SportsField Management November 2021 | Page 36

and learned more than I ever would have without getting involved in industry service . If you are at all considering getting involved , go for it ! As my friend , Kelly Lynch , says , “ Get in . It will be fun . I promise !”
SFM : You also achieved your CSFM certification . What does that mean to you , and what advice do you have for other industry professionals with regard to the value of certification .
Roesslein : For me , attaining the CSFM designation was purely a personal goal . It didn ’ t change anything for me at work as far as a raise or change in title . I do not have a turfgrass management degree , so I wanted to become certified – really as confirmation that I ’ m doing the right things in the right ways . I also think , more and more , having a professional certification can only benefit your career . Absolutely it is a resume builder , but certification will also help gain trust within your organization . A certified person in any industry has proven their knowledge and skills . Our industry is so often misunderstood , I believe certification will help elevate the professionalism of sports field managers , as well as the perception of our industry . If you are on the fence about getting your CSFM , again I would say go for it ! There are materials available to help you study , and many resources to help you succeed . One of the best things about our industry is that you can probably call any CSFM out there , and they would be willing to help you , too . I ’ m certainly happy to help !
SFM : How do you think the profession and industry will change in the next 10 years , and / or what would you most like to see in terms of industry advancement in the future ?
Roesslein : There will most certainly be many technical advances that increase efficiency with all our resources – labor , materials , and water come to the top of my mind . My hope is that the expertise of our members is more widely recognized and valued in the next 10 years and beyond . Sports field managers produce incredible fields for all levels of play , and I hope that our next-door neighbors all the way up to the owner ’ s suite occupants understand the passion , dedication , knowledge and expertise our members have . SFM sportsfieldmanagementonline . com November 2021 | SportsField Management