Powersports Business December 2023 | Page 4

4 • December 2023 • Powersports Business

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Ducati Sanford of Florida crowned 2023 Best Ducati Dealer of the Americas

Ducati Sanford has been named the 2023 Best Ducati Dealer of North & South America by Francesco Milicia , vice president of global sales at Ducati Motor Holding . This prestigious honor , announced on October 16 , cements Ducati Sanford as a trailblazer in the world of Ducati dealerships .
Established in 2019 by owner and operator Nate Stickney , Ducati Sanford has rapidly evolved into the go-to destination for Ducati enthusiasts in the Orlando-Daytona Beach market . Boasting a fully stocked showroom featuring every model of Ducati and a cuttingedge Ducati Race shop with certified technicians , the dealership is a haven for those passionate about the iconic brand .
Nate Stickney ’ s innovative approach to store design , digital marketing , community engagement , and customer experience has been instrumental in Ducati Sanford ’ s success , driving growth and setting new industry standards . The dealership ’ s commitment to excellence is further exemplified by Sales Manager David Pieser , affectionately known as “ Ducati Dave ,” whose exceptional product knowledge and unwavering enthusiasm have made him an icon within the local Ducati riding community .
The announcement was made at the Ducati Global conference in Italy , which took place virtually for 2023 , marking a remarkable journey for the dealership . This convinced the brand to establish its Central Florida roots in Sanford rather than the initially proposed location in metro Orlando .
Established in 2019 by owner and operator Nate Stickney , Ducati Sanford has rapidly evolved into the go-to destination for Ducati enthusiasts in the
Orlando-Daytona Beach market . Photo courtesy of Ducati Sanford
As the 2023 Best Ducati Dealer of North & South America , Ducati Sanford continues to raise the bar for excellence , making waves in the world of Ducati retailing . www . powersportsbusiness . com Editorial and Sales : 763.383.4400 Subscriber Service : 763.383.4492
EDITOR IIN CHIEF : Brendan Baker 763 / 383-4477 ( bbaker @ epgacceleration . com ) ASSOCIATE EDITOR : Madelyn Hubbard 763 / 383-4407 ( mhubbard @ epgacceleration . com )
VICE PRESIDENT / POWER TRADE SALES Mark Rosacker 763 / 383-4433 ( mrosacker @ epgacceleration . com )
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NPDA heads into 2024 with positive momentum

The National Powersports Dealer Association ( NPDA ) has kept the throttle wide open since its launch in May 2021 and has amassed a list of wins this year in its efforts to serve the needs and interests of U . S . powersports dealers .
NPDA membership now sits at more than 400 , including Harley-Davidson , metric dealers , and independent ( non-franchised ) shops . The board of directors of 12 men and three women are dealers from Alaska to Virginia , to Ohio , and Texas .
“ Powersports dealers understand the urgency , attention to detail , and taking on challenges to be successful , and the NPDA has proven its value since our founding ,” says NPDA Chairman Bob Althoff . “ This year ’ s output was strong , but it will be even better in 2024 .”
Key achievements in 2023 include : 400−plus members and 25 partners , both up 25 percent from mid-year ; Added several key industry leaders to board ; the group now totals 15 ; Added industry veteran Tigra Tsujikawa as membership marketing manager ;
A successful campaign urging OEMs to drop shipping surcharges imposed during the COVID−19 pandemic and a push for a moratorium on facility upgrade mandates ;
Numerous well-attended webinars on key industry topics , with more being scheduled before and immediately after the December holidays ;
Successful event outreach , including February ’ s AIMExpo , plus participation in
October ’ s Powersports Finance Summit ;
Great strides toward dynamic Dealer educational programming , including talks to form alliances to create an industry-leading platform . An announcement on details of this important initiative will be made in the coming weeks .
Dealers interested in joining NPDA can contact the association through its website at npda . org .
DEALER ADVISORY BOARD : Hooksett Kawasaki-Polaris , Jim Whalley ; Hacker ’ s Yamaha & Honda , Rick Hacker ; Honda / Polaris of Lubbock , Morris Baker ; All Action Water Sports , Ray Leps
POWERSPORTS BUSINESS ( ISSN # 1522-7944 ) is published monthly . 12 times per year by EPG Brand Acceleration , 7760 France Avenue South , Suite 810 , Bloomington , MN 55435 . The Market Data Book in November is not included in the subscription price . Periodicals postage paid at St . Paul , MN and additional mailing offices .
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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION : Free digital to qualified members of the motorcycle , all-terrain vehicle , snowmobile and personal watercraft industries . Annual print subscription rate is $ 68 per year for U . S residents . All paid subscriptions must be paid in advance and in U . S . funds only .
CUSTOMER SERVICE : Visit www . PowersportsBusiness . com , email customerservice @ epgacceleration . com , call ( 763 ) 383-4492 , fax ( 763 ) 383-4499 or write to Powersports Business , PO Box 96 , Port Jervis , NY 12771 .
CANADIAN RETURN ADDRESS : EPG Brand Acceleration , 4960-2 Walker Road , Windsor , Ontario N9A 6J3 . Publication Sales Agreement # 40012332 .

Indian Motorcycle returns as headline sponsor of Indian Riders Fest 2024

Indian Motorcycle has announced that it will return as the headline sponsor for the Indian Riders Fest 2024 ( IRF24 ). This partnership marks the continuation of a successful collaboration that marks the 10th anniversary of the official Indian Riders Group and celebrates the spirit of riding .
An extra day has been added to the program after a record-breaking attendance of over 3,000 people from 39 nationalities in 2023 .
The IRF24 aims to bring together riders and fans from all corners of the globe to reconfirm its position as one of the most significant gatherings of Indian Motorcycle enthusiasts globally .
Located in České Budějovice ( Budweis ), Czech Republic , from July 13−16 , IRF24 promises to be an unforgettable experience for motorcycle enthusiasts with a host of exciting activities , exclusive product showcases , and unforgettable rides . In addition , the festival ’ s 2024 theme , ‘ Back In Time ,’ it will take participants on a journey through the storied history of Indian Motorcycle with an immersive experience that pays homage to the classic designs and innovations that have defined the brand over the years , illustrated with a display of iconic vintage models .
“ We are delighted to renew our partnership with Jean-Marie and the IRF team for Indian Riders Fest for 2024 ,” says Grant Bester , international vice president for Indian Motorcycle . “ Indian Motorcycle has always been committed to the riding community , and the IRF is not just a celebration of our motorcycles but also highlights the dedication of our riders . The rapid evolution of the
IRF since 2019 is a testament to the team and as the major event on the international calendar , it allows us to connect with owners at a deeper level . After the hugely enjoyable time I had at the 2023 event , I cannot wait to meet , and ride , with everyone in Budweis again next year .”
Jean-Marie Guyon , organizer of the IRF , comments , “ I am thrilled at this renewed commitment from Indian Motorcycle . It marks another exciting chapter in our ongoing collaboration . We look forward to taking IRF24 to new heights and creating unforgettable moments for the Indian Motorcycle community . Indian Motorcycle and the IRF team are eagerly anticipating the event and invite motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the globe to come and be part of this extraordinary event . With our theme of ‘ Back In Time ,’ we ’ ll take you on a nostalgic journey back to an era filled with music and freedom , a time before social media dominated our lives . Let ’ s make memories and friendships that will last a lifetime .”
See Indian Riders Fest , Page 5
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