Fuel Oil News September 2024 | Page 32

Figure 7
customer of what is needed to accomplish this . Remove any and all jumpers and replace the removed T-T lead .
Clean up area around burner and where you have worked . Pick up all debris ; do not leave it in a pile on the floor . Take all oily rags and other residue to the company ’ s outside refuse container .
Do not leave them inside basement .
They are a fire hazard and also throw off a nasty odor . All oils , heating oil or motor oil must not be spilled , or by any other careless method come in contact with wooden or asphalt floors .
Soot and similar material must be tightly wrapped so that it will not fly up while removing them from the site . Wash off all finger marks and smudges from customer ’ s equipment .
Wipe down the appliance with PAM TM or some similar cooking oil . Do not spray onto jacket surfaces but onto clean cloth and then place on jacket . It will mask oily odors and leave the basement smelling like fresh popcorn . Recheck the safety relief valve , if it has not reseated change it .
Reinspect all of the oil lines and fittings for leaks at the burner and tank .
Inform the customer that you are done . Inform the customer of any follow-up that needs to be done . Be polite , answer specific questions only , then shut up and leave .
Quite a procedure , don ’ t you think ? But if we plan to play in the yard with other fuels and technologies everything has to change , not just the fuel , but it ’ s only my opinion . Finally , you may think this is new but I first used it in 1978 . See ya ! l FON
Disclaimer of Warranty / Limit of Liability This text is provided ‘ as-is ’, without warranty of any kind expressed or implied respecting its contents .
George Lanthier is the owner of Firedragon Academy . His website and contact information can be found at www . FiredragonEnt . com . 32 SEPTEMBER 2024 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www . fueloilnews . com