Great Escapes Winter 2021 | Page 6

11 WINTER 2021 ISSUE 02 / VOL . 02
How do you create ideal riding conditions ? How about using two groomers in tandem ( the second one a quarter mile behind ) to create a 16-foot-wide groomed trail in one pass ? Yeah , that works for me !

A Snowy Start

My hosts for two days were Roger Wright and Gail Hanson , then the president and executive director , respectively , of the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association . Our headquarters was the Town & Country Inn and Resort , a large and comfortable establishment that has been welcoming snowmobilers for decades .
“ This is a family-owned hotel and restaurant that really caters to sledders ,” Hanson said . “ We have our Easter Seals charity ride here every year and it ’ s a popular place all winter long because of its trailside location .” The Labnon family has owned “ T & C ” since 1956 and innkeeper Scott Labnon checked with us to ensure that we were enjoying every aspect of our visit .
Low bridge ! The trail through Berlin has many interesting aspects , including this passage underneath a railroad bridge as well as a section skirting the downtown area .
This deluxe warming hut features an interior sound system and looks out over Jericho Mountain State Park , a popular destination for snowmobile and ATV enthusiasts .