Great Escapes Winter 2021 | Page 5

9 WINTER 2021 ISSUE 02 / VOL . 02
Trail 12 near the Maine border is a popular route for north-south travelers .

The axiom that “ timing is everything ” is particularly apt in the world of snowmobiling . The vagaries of winter weather – for better or worse – can quickly alter trail conditions and travel plans , so dedicated sledders know it ’ s important to be flexible and adaptable .

One recent season ’ s unusual weather pattern – particularly the path of the all-important jet stream – produced dismal conditions in portions of the Pacific Northwest while bringing bonanza snowfalls to the Midwest and East .
My plans for a March trip to Oregon were doused by rain in the Cascade Mountains , so instead of booking a flight to Portland , Oregon , I did the next best thing and booked to the other Portland – the one in Maine . Fortunately , New England was enjoying a very snowy winter and conditions looked good . Best of all , it started snowing during my drive from the Portland airport to my destination of Gorham , New Hampshire , and when I awoke the next morning , there was a foot of fresh powder to enjoy . Good timing , indeed . What I experienced was two very different days – one wonderful and snowy , the next equally wonderful under brilliant blue skies .
Whether we were pushing powder , crossing incredible bridges , steering through dense forests , viewing wildlife or enjoying scenic overlooks , the Granite State exceeded every expectation .