StateWays Fall 2024 | Page 22

Best Enforcement Program



Now in its second year , the Montgomery County Alcohol Beverage Services ( ABS ) Inventory Control and Loss Prevention Unit ( ICLPU ) has already paid dividends : maximizing profits while minimizing risk and loss .

The ICLPU was a collaborative effort among the ABS retail and wholesale teams , along with external business partners , led by the inventory control manager and the newly hired loss prevention manager . Combining a people-first approach with enhanced technical tools , the program has increased controls , standardized procedures , improved operating efficiency and implemented investigatory oversight .
Understanding that an effective inventory control and loss prevention program depends on collaboration with front-line employees , ICLPU focused on creating an environment of trust and communication . To achieve this , ICLPU started meeting monthly with retail store leadership about the routine audit , and meeting monthly with district managers to analyze metrics . The program also developed an online dashboard showing key metrics by location and district , shared monthly with all leadership .
These priorities helped to move the organization from an initial attitude of suspicion and skepticism to a culture of transparency and cooperation .
“ Although there may have been some apprehensiveness initially , staff have fully embraced this program ,” says Pete Schomburg , ABS loss prevention manager . “ Employees have come to understand that this program keeps them safer and contributes to a culture of accountability .”
The incident reporting dashboard , called LP Monthly Metrics , has been particularly helpful in creating data-driven change by harnessing and analyzing the employee experience . Employees have reported more than 1,800 incidents since October 2022 , ranging from petty shoplifting to organized crime to policies and procedures to internal controls . Field officers investigated each of these reports and made referrals or recommendations as warranted .
Using LP Monthly Metrics , ICLPU identified and addressed trends in shoplifting , such as top locations , items and days of the week . It used this data to raise awareness and preparedness among retail employees .
ICLPU ’ s programs also contributed to more timely arrests and prosecutions for repeat shoplifting and large-scale thefts . The team has recovered approximately $ 15,000 through court-ordered restitution and has an additional $ 26,000 in restitution pending . These successes act as a deterrent for would-be thieves . The department saw a decrease in verified shoplifting events by 29 % from its peak of 154 incidents in a 30−day period .
“ This type of program supports ABS ’ s business functions by identifying vulnerabilities in real time and creating informed responses to them ,” says Schomburg . “ It empowers employees to make improvements to the workplace and the bottom line , giving them meaningful tools for success . These successes get passed to the community through a more pleasant shopping experience , preserved revenue that gets returned to the general fund , and better safety and security in the community as a result of the multi-agency collaborations .
Ongoing employee training has proven effective . This includes quarterly virtual question and answer sessions , in-person site visits from the field officers and on-site bulletin boards with written notices and instructions for using the incident reporting portal .
At only two years old , ICLPU is still developing . In the coming year , the program and its leaders expect to expand into wholesale functions , add more metrics and continue to formalize partnerships and policies .
“ ICLPU is exploring ways to integrate its expertise more deeply into the organization ,” Schomburg says . “ While many of ILCPU ’ s efforts have been focused on the ABS retail stores , the unit sees opportunities to reduce shrink at other levels and is examining processes departmentwide .”
22 StateWays • Fall 2024 www . stateways . com