StateWays Fall 2024 | Page 20

Best Stakeholder Outreach Program



For 26 years , the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board ’ s ( PLCB ) Bureau of Alcohol Education ( BAE ) has been hosting its annual Alcohol Education Conference to inform attendees on the different strategies and best practices that are relevant to the prevention of underage and dangerous drinking in communities , schools and on campuses .

This free event offers a forum for law enforcement officials , educators and alcohol education professionals to come together in one location to receive updates on alcohol-related trends . It also allows attendees to learn about successful programs that are used to lower underage and dangerous alcohol consumption .
The next conference is slated for November 14 , 2024 , and will take place at the Penn Harris Hotel in Camp Hill , PA . According to the website , attendees can partake in workshops and presentations that will feature the latest beverage alcohol information , statistics , trends and prevention methods .
“ Each year , we try to incorporate different sessions and topics ,” says Corinne Dinoski , director of alcohol education for ( PLCB ). “ This year , we are in the process of getting the registration open to the public so attendees can see the list of presentations and keynote speakers . We try to get presenters that have a lot to offer .”
Comprised of three educational tracks – community prevention and education , collegiate education and law enforcement – the event enables participants to :
Learn about successful public-private sector partnerships to reduce underage access to alcohol .
Explore the important role of families in preventing alcohol use and positive strategies to communicate the risks of underage drinking from early childhood through young adulthood .
Discover innovative program initiatives for college students designed to shape on-campus facilitators to educate fellow students on alcohol safety .
Hear about successful partnerships between colleges , law enforcement and communities to promote responsible social hosting practices and target underage events with alcohol .
Listen to effective engagement strategies for expanded on-campus prevention services for colleges and universities .
Develop social media strategies for reframing the culture and misperceptions about alcohol use among college students .
Receive an overview of the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement ' s Nuisance Bar Program and speakeasy investigations and the penalties for licensees and bartenders that are non-compliant .
Network with like professionals to discuss prevention and program-related challenges .
Explaining the process of choosing the presenters and speakers , Dinoski says , “ We send out a notice to everyone on our distribution list , post it on our website and sometimes publish a press release asking for presenters . Typically , we get more submissions than we can accept , but we end up with 13 sessions and two keynotes .”
Exhibitors , which consist of alcohol prevention / education agencies and drug and alcohol treatment centers , are also on site throughout the event to share information on program offerings and services that may be of interest to attendees .
Financed through education and supplemental awards grants from the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association , this annual education conference provides a perfect environment for professionals across the state to engage and learn in one place .
20 StateWays • Fall 2024 www . stateways . com