Sportsfield Management September 2024 | Page 9

SFMA IN ACTION represented . The chair of this committee is specified by the bylaws ; it is the Immediate Past President .
HOW CAN MEMBERS SUBMIT THEIR INTEREST ? SFMA HQ issues a call for interest in board service yearly to the membership . Those interested fill out a form that includes questions about SFMA committee and other volunteer service ( within / outside of SFMA ), why they want to serve , leadership qualities they bring to this position and their vision for the association .
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ? The Nominating Committee reviews all the applications , and , in some cases , they reach out to additional candidates , if needed . Qualifications , geographic representation , skills , involvement and other criteria are assessed . If this information is not known , committee members are assigned to find out that information . This process usually takes two months , and at the conclusion the slate is developed . Those who were interested but not slated are individually contacted by a Nominating Committee member to thank them for their interest and to explain why they were not slated . The electronic ballot is developed next .
HOW IS THE ELECTION PROCESS MANAGED ? SFMA creates a link to the electronic ballot that is specific to each voting member and sends out that link . Each voting member accesses the ballot through their individual link . After members have selected their choices , they hit “ submit ” ( after submitting , the link will not work and cannot be used by anyone else ). The results are automatically electronically compiled , and SFMA ’ s audit firm , Summers , Spencer & Company , P . A . ( SS & C ) is the sole keepers of the results link . When voting closes , which is mid- December , SS & C forwards the results link to the Nominating Chair and SFMA headquarters . The chair notifies the committee , and all on the ballot are notified of the outcomes .
The new board is introduced to the membership and takes office at the annual meeting , which is usually held at the SFMA Conference and Exposition .
SFMA Founders Awards
The Sports Field Management Association ( SFMA ) bestows its highest honors through the Founders Awards , recognizing members who have made significant contributions to both the association and the sports field management profession . These prestigious awards highlight individuals who have made a difference in their careers and the careers of their peers . If you know someone who embodies the spirit and dedication of SFMA ’ s founders , consider nominating them for one of these distinguished awards . Nominations are due by October 15 , and forms can be downloaded and submitted via email to SFMAInfo @ sportsfieldmanagement . org .
Dick Ericson , SFMA ’ s first President ( 1981- 1982 ), has been a driving force in elevating professionalism within the industry . The Ericson Award honors a member who excels in managing sports fields and facilities , and who exemplifies the qualities of a true team leader . This award celebrates those who have followed in Ericson ’ s footsteps , setting high standards and leading by example .
Dr . William Daniel established a vital partnership between educators , researchers and sports field managers . This collaboration has been crucial in advancing the field , with research and education playing a key role in on- the- field applications . The Daniel Award recognizes individuals who have significantly contributed to the industry through research , teaching , or extension . It honors those who , like Dr . Daniel , have dedicated their careers to fostering knowledge and innovation in sports field management .
George Toma is a living legend in the sports field management industry , known for his mentorship and his philosophy of giving “ and then some ” in everything he does . The George Toma Golden Rake Award celebrates this spirit , recognizing a sports field member who goes above and beyond in their work and in their community service . This award honors those who embody Toma ’ s passion , dedication and commitment to excellence .
Harry Gill , SFMA ’ s second president ( 1982- 1983 ) was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the association ’ s success . His dedication to the sports field management profession and his efforts to ensure the growth of SFMA are remembered fondly by those who knew him . The Harry Gill Award honors a member who , like Gill , has shown exceptional commitment to advancing the profession and supporting SFMA .
To nominate a deserving member for one of these awards , download the nomination form ( available in PDF or Word format ), complete it and email it to SFMAInfo @ sportsfieldmanagement . org by October 15 . Each nomination will be carefully reviewed , and the winners will be announced and honored for their outstanding contributions to the industry . Take this opportunity to recognize those who have made a lasting impact on sports field management and continue to inspire others within the SFMA community . sportsfieldmanagementonline . com September 2024 | SportsField Management