Soccer : 38 % prefer natural grass , 13 % prefer synthetic , 49 % no preference . Softball : 84 % prefer natural grass , 6 % prefer synthetic , 10 % no preference .
Among athletes who prefer playing on natural grass , the most popular reasons for that preference were that natural grass … has a better scent ( 58 %), is less abrasive and causes fewer injuries than synthetic turf ( 57 %), has a cooling effect when it ’ s hotter outside ( 52 %), feels softer under the foot ( 37 %), and is more forgiving to falls or impact on the body ( 37 %).
Among athletes who prefer to play on synthetic turf , the most popular reasons given were that synthetic turf … requires less maintenance ( 63 %), looks better ( 62 %), is more durable ( 62 %), provides a more consistent playing surface ( 54 %), is safer ( 47 %), reduces the risk of getting dirty ( 43 %), can be used year round ( 40 %) and reduces the chances of games being cancelled ( 38 %).
When asked what is most important to them at the field / facility where they play their sport , safe playing surfaces ( 26 %) and well-maintained playing surfaces ( 22 %) ranked behind items such as convenient parking ( 64 %), quality restrooms ( 38 %), safe / secure environment ( 37 %), availability of food and beverage ( 30 %), and equipment rental / purchase options ( 27 %).
More than 70 % of respondents rated the quality of the facility at which they play as average or above average . For those who indicated that they play at a “ below average ” facility , the top two responses for how their facility could be improved were improved field maintenance ( 48 %) and better / safer playing surfaces ( 46 %).
Sixty-six percent of sports participants “ agree ” or “ strongly agree ” that the quality of the playing surface significantly affects their enjoyment of the sport . Sixtytwo percent agree or strongly agree that field maintenance and field quality are directly related to their safety as an athlete . And 59 % agree or strongly agree that they are willing to pay a higher fee for access to a well-maintained sports field or facility . Seventy-two percent agree or strongly agree that they are more likely to recommend a sports facility to others based on their playing experience .
SPORTS ATTENDANCE The second part of our survey garnered feedback from the respondents regarding their sports attendance ( In this case ,
“ attendance ” involves watching others play a sport in which the respondent is not actively involved . Seventy percent of survey respondents indicated that they regularly attend sporting events , with the most popular sports to attend being ( in order ) baseball , football , basketball , soccer , golf , softball and tennis . Respondents are most likely to attend professional sporting events ( compared to other levels of sport ), but 55 % did indicate that they attend sports being played by their immediate family members at the youth or recreational levels .
In terms of the desired amenities when attending a sporting event , respondents want clean / accessible restrooms ( 58 %), comfortable seating ( 57 %), adequate parking ( 49 %), good visibility of the field / court ( 42 %), a family friendly environment ( 36 %), quality and variety of concessions ( 34 %), security / safety measures ( 26 %), overall field / stadium aesthetics and cleanliness ( 22 %) and shaded / covered seating areas ( 19 %).
When it comes to safety and security , we asked “ On a scale from 1 to 10 ( with 1 being not important to 10 being extremely important ), how would you rate the importance of security ( metal detectors , fan screening , bag checks , visible security presence , etc .) to your overall fan experience ?” Nearly 60 % of respondents rated the importance of safety / security measures as 8 or higher , with most ( 32 %) rating it as a 10 ( extremely important ).
We also asked sporting event attendees how often they notice if the field being played on is natural grass or artificial turf , and 62 % said they always notice , while another 23 % said they notice most of the time . SFM
PHOTO CREDIT : © GRETCHEN OWEN - STOCK . ADOBE . COM sportsfieldmanagementonline . com September 2024 | SportsField Management