Sportsfield Management September 2024 | Page 25

SFM : You have a third-degree blackbelt in taekwondo , and you are also an instructor . How have martial arts influenced your life , and how do they impact your day-to-day approach to what you do ? Driscoll : I fell into martial arts and taekwondo in particular at a late age . I had always wanted to learn , but it was a costly activity for my family at the time . While still an expense like any other activity , my son and I together took on the challenge about 10 years ago . I was supposed to end my journey after I received my first degree , but I was hooked . The positive energy , structure and support received from my masters has been amazing . To be able to be a part of the Tiger Kicks family and do the same for new students as an instructor brings me joy . Learning taekwondo has helped me be more focused on tasks at hand , willing to take on new challenges , set new goals , discipline myself and have confidence in myself , my goals and my visions .
SFM : Please tell us a bit about your other interests outside of work , your family , or anything else that shapes who you are . Driscoll : Outside of work … I don ’ t know what that is , as I always find something to work on or a project to tackle . As they say , if you love what you do it ’ s not a job . My other extra curriculars involve watching my son Eughan ( pronounced Owen ) pursue his passion in baseball , and aiding my wife , Susan , with the dog rescue organization , ECHO , that she is passionate about . We currently have two foster failed dogs , as well as two foster cats and two foster dogs we care for . I enjoy going to the movies , up cycling and being outside in nature doing any multitude of things . Every day is a blessing ! SFM sportsfieldmanagementonline . com September 2024 | SportsField Management