This field has been through many changes in just four seasons of play . The main reason for this is the lack of willingness from engineers and architects to listen to a Certified Sports Field Manager before , during and after construction . The extra funds that could have been saved by following said recommendations were astronomical . This field has finally been built the way I had originally intended from the start . My staff and I have spent countless hours attempting to make the field playable under adverse conditions . We believe this field is one of the best high school softball fields in the nation . The functionality and playability of the field speaks for itself , and the overall appeal of its aesthetics are phenomenal . The amount of detailed effort is why this field deserves recognition . It is laser graded twice per season , edged weekly , and the artificial turf is cleaned before every game . This is an overall attention to details typically unseen by the untrained eye and overlooked by many . Considering the attention to detail and the finished product , I felt it necessary to make an effort on the part of my staff to bring some much needed and deserved appreciation for their efforts .
— Matthew Arms , CSFM , grounds superintendent sportsfieldmanagementonline . com October 2024 | SportsField Management