SportsField Management May 2021 | Page 23

How to make informed job search decisions to advance your career

Is the Grass Greener ?

How to make informed job search decisions to advance your career

By Erin Wolfram , M . S .
For better or worse , most of the hours of your life are probably going to be spent at work . This means your job plays a huge role in your overall wellbeing . When changing jobs , it is often very difficult to truly know what to expect in a new position , and whether moving to that new job is the best decision for you . Because of this , the more research you can do in advance to find out as much information as possible about the position and the organization , the more likely you will be able to select quality positions to apply for ; and ultimately make a decision you are happy with when you are given that next job offer . The following information outlines tips to implement as you start thinking about your next career move .
EVALUATE POSITIONS When considering a job change , it is important to first evaluate why you are seeking a new position , what you are looking for in a new opportunity , and what is most important to you in a new job before starting your search for a new position .
To help you get started , reflect on the following questions :
What do you like and dislike about your current job and / or organization ?
What values are most important to you ( i . e ., work / life balance , money , prestige , achievement , integrity , etc .)?
Are you looking for a lateral or an upward move ?
Are you bound to or interested in a certain location ?
What are your salary requirements ?
If you are looking to move to a new location , how will cost of living impact your salary needs ?
22 SportsField Management | May 2021 sportsfieldmanagementonline . com