Editor ’ s Note
John Kmitta Associate Publisher / Editorial Brand Director jkmitta @ epgacceleration . com 763-383-4405
This edition of SportsField Management features our annual SFMA Conference & Exhibition post-show recap .
Salt Lake City Utah welcomed the industry ’ s premier event January 16-19 , and attendees experienced a wealth of high-level educational opportunities , tours , networking and fun .
I thoroughly enjoyed the Seminar On Wheels ( SOW ) tour , as SOW participants were shuttled to Provo , Utah , to see firsthand the amazing facilities at Brigham Young University , and learn about the management practices required for their unique and picturesque setting .
From there , we visited America First Field , home of MLS club Real Salt Lake , then rounded out a jam-packed tour at Smith ’ s Ballpark , home of the Salt Lake Bees ( Triple-A affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels ).
Another highlight for me was the SAFE Night of Bowling , a fun outing that featured some great networking and excellent conversations – all while raising money for research , educational programs and scholarships geared to the sports field profession . I ’ m sure my teammates wish I had been placed on a different team , but a great time was had by all .
As with all SFMA Conferences , there was more education than one could take in during the live event . But thankfully all session recordings are once again available electronically for post-event consumption .
I also thoroughly enjoyed this year ’ s Keynote Speaker , NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith , who answered questions about the NFL , the NFLPA , player safety and working toward safer playing surfaces . Smith was kind enough to stick around after the SFMA Annual Meeting for a casual conversation and photos in the convention center lobby .
In addition to the education , networking and events , the SFMA Exhibition featured the industry ’ s finest showcasing the latest products , technologies , supplies , services and more .
It was great to see so much innovation , and I was also thrilled with how many attendees stopped by the SportsField Management booth to talk about the magazine , share ideas or just say hello . Those types of conversations are what help us keep touch with the industry and develop the content you want to see .
If you did not attend the 2023 SFMA Conference in Salt Lake City , I highly recommend that you check out the conference recordings . Also , be sure to mark your calendars for the 2024 SFMA Conference & Exhibition , which heads to sunny Daytona Beach , Fla ., January 22-25 , 2024 . For more information , visit https :// www . sportsfieldmanagement . org / conference /.
Enjoy our post-show recap ! SFM
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Official Publication of the Sports Field Management Association
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SportsField Management | March 2023 sportsfieldmanagementonline . com