SFM : How do you think the profession and industry will change in the next 10 years , and / or what would you most like to see in terms of industry advancement in the future ?
Cook : It ’ s amazing how far we have already come in the advancement of new turfgrasses , equipment and synthetics in the past 20 years . We are in an era of our industry that I see as cyclical . New varieties of natural grass and equipment to manage sports fields are continuing to improve and provide more durable natural grass fields . We have witnessed the evolution of the groundskeeper / sports turf manager / sports field manager , and now the sports field event manager . I ’ m optimistic by nature , which is pretty common in our line of work , and I believe the future of our industry will continue to evolve and adjust to be successful . Multi-use venues will come and go , and as long as we work together as an industry to provide safe fields for our athletes , value to our owners and aesthetically pleasing fields for fans , we will be fine . We are all students of our trade . Sharing information and what we learn with others will continue to make us a stronger industry in the future . SFM sportsfieldmanagementonline . com March 2021 | SportsField Management