er the problem factor . Proper padding on goals , posts , fences and any other structure is necessary .
Something many field builders have noted is the need to keep back parents and spectators , who often want to be on the sidelines . Unfortunately , the sidelines are an overrun area and unprepared spectators could cause injury to players who are chasing a ball and not looking .
“ Something that is really helpful is having a security crew that can monitor where people are going in order to keep them in the safety zones ,” said Narozanick . Ascertain in advance who has permission to be on the sidelines . This might include the following : Athletes Coaches , trainers and authorized team personnel Spirit squads or dance teams Official media representatives with cameras ( this does not include parents with smartphones and iPads or those claiming to be scouts for colleges – make sure official credentials are provided )
Security personnel If the band is scheduled to perform , members should only take the field or be on the sidelines during times when there is no active play , such as halftime . Coaches and band directors should discuss in advance what types of performances are planned and when they should take place , as well as where band members should be when they are not performing .
Make sure a list is provided . Have signage plainly stating that no unauthorized persons are permitted beyond the bleachers and that unauthorized trespassers will be removed from the game .
ASBA offers comprehensive publications containing design and construction guidelines to help field owners and managers ; these include Sports Fields : A Construction and Maintenance Manual and Running Tracks : A Construction and Maintenance Manual . In addition , ASBA offers a free “ Design Showcase ” app , available in the App Store , with layouts for fields and courts . SFM
Mary Helen Sprecher wrote this article on behalf of the American Sports Builders Association ( ASBA ).
Available at no charge is a listing of all publications offered by ASBA , as well as ASBA ’ s membership directory . For information on ASBA , as well as on its publications , activities and upcoming meetings , contact ASBA at 2331 Rock Spring Road , Forest Hill , MD 21050 . The toll-free phone number is 866-501-ASBA . The ASBA also may be reached electronically via its website , www . sportsbuilders . org , or via e-mail at info @ sportsbuilders . org . sportsfieldmanagementonline . com February 2021 | SportsField Management