Powersports Business February 2025 | Page 4

4 • February 2025 • Powersports Business

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NPDA reveals 2025 board of directors election results

The National Powersports Dealer Association ’ s ( NPDA ) 2025 board of directors election took place from Dec . 9−15 , and the tribe has spoken ( dealer members ) — the six incumbents running for re-election all held their seats for another two years .
Seven of the 14 board positions were up for election , with seven candidates vying for board positions . Of the seven available spots , the remaining one has been filled by a dealer with extensive ties to the powersports industry .
According to NPDA bylaws , only dealers with a current membership were eligible to vote . Affiliate members were not eligible .
Re-elected to terms that end Dec . 31 , 2026 , are the first six dealers :
Jay Goodart , Lawless Harley-Davidson , Missouri
Michael Kiley , Tytler ’ s Cycle and Moto Union , Wisconsin
John Leach , Pete ’ s Cycle , Maryland Donald B . Meyers , Jr ., Harley-Davidson of Baltimore , Maryland Mark J . Sheffield , Woods Cycle Country , Texas
Brett Tekavec , Harley-Davidson of Washington , DC and Queen City Harley- Davidson , Ohio
Justin Alpiser , Team Powersports , North Carolina , was elected to his first term .
Board members completing their twoyear term ending Dec . 31 , 2025 , are as follows :
Bob Althoff , Farrow Harley-Davidson , Ohio ( Chairman and Founding Board Member )
Bob Kee , Destination Cycle , Texas ( Vice Chairman and Founding Board Member )
Kim Harrison , Coleman Powersports , Virginia ( Secretary / Treasurer and Founding Board Member )
Jayson Davis , Powersports of Greenville , South Carolina
George Gatto , Three Rivers Harley- Davidson and Gatto Cycle Shop , Pennsylvania
Mark Peterson , Southwest Superbikes , Texas
Gail Worth , Shawnee Cycle and Powersports , Kansas
Since its founding in May 2021 , the NPDA now has membership from more than 350 powersports dealership locations in 49 states and Puerto Rico . www . powersportsbusiness . com Editorial and Sales : 763.383.4400 Subscriber Service : 763.383.4492
EDITOR IIN CHIEF : Brendan Baker 763 / 383-4477 ( bbaker @ epgacceleration . com ) ASSOCIATE EDITOR : Madelyn Pegg 763 / 383-4407 ( mhubbard @ epgacceleration . com )
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS : Melissa Coffey , Max Materne
ART DIRECTOR : Lindsay Zigan
VICE PRESIDENT / POWER TRADE AND CONSUMER GROUP Mark Rosacker 763 / 383-4433 ( mrosacker @ epgacceleration . com )
AD MATERIALS and questions to ads @ epgacceleration . com

Maddie ’ s Motor Sports acquires New York ’ s Ithaca Recreational Sports

Maddie ’ s Motor Sports , LLC , a powersports dealership group in New York State , has purchased Ithaca Recreation Sports , Inc . of Newfield , New York .
“ Ithaca Recreation is highly regarded as one of the oldest and most well-known powersports dealerships in the Finger Lakes region ,” says Graham Marcus , vice president of Maddie ’ s Motor Sports . “ They helped pioneer many local hare-scramble races and were part of the founding group that created what is now known as the New York Offroad Association ( NYOA ). Their dedication to the powersports industry has helped them build a strong base of loyal customers over the past 30−plus years in the area .
“ We are also excited to grow our presence in Western New York ,” he continues . “ This will be our sixth rooftop in the Western New York market . This acquisition will grow the total dealership group to six total locations , including our sister store Empire Powersports in Phoenix , New York , while offering 15 individual OEM lines and dozens of parts and accessory lines throughout our network .”
The Ithaca Recreation team has worked to build a successful business over the past few decades , and their hard work shows in their dedicated staff and loyal customer base . The dealership has become the place to purchase Sea-Doo watercraft in the area . The acquisition of Ithaca Recreation Sports was finalized on December 26 , 2024 , and
after a reset of the dealership , it reopened to the public on January 7 . Five additional people have been hired and the company has retained all dealership staff .
DEALER ADVISORY BOARD : HK Powersports , Jim Whalley ; Family PowerSports , Morris Baker ; All Action Water Sports , Ray Leps
POWERSPORTS BUSINESS ( ISSN # 1522-7944 ) is published monthly . 12 times per year by EPG Brand Acceleration , 7760 France Avenue South , Suite 810 , Bloomington , MN 55435 . The Market Data Book in November is not included in the subscription price . Periodicals postage paid at St . Paul , MN and additional mailing offices .
POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Powersports Business , PO Box 96 , Port Jervis , NY 12771-0096 .
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION : Free digital to qualified members of the motorcycle , all-terrain vehicle , snowmobile and personal watercraft industries . Annual print subscription rate is $ 68 per year for U . S residents . All paid subscriptions must be paid in advance and in U . S . funds only .
Liqui Moly appoints new marketing director as Bauman retires
Liqui Moly Marketing Director Peter Baumann is taking his well-deserved retirement after 39 years and numerous milestones . His successor in the marketing department is Marco Esser , who was previously the deputy marketing director .
On January 1 , 1986 , Peter Baumann ’ s success story began . Hired as an assistant to the management , he developed the marketing department for the medium-sized German company , which sells its products in 150 countries today . He was encouraged by the then Managing Director Ernst Prost , who began as the company ’ s marketing director in 1990 before passing on this position to Baumann in 1993 .
Liqui Moly is an unmistakable trademark and enormous presence as a sponsor and supporter of global sports . Be it in Formula 1 with Sauber Motorsport in 1993 , or for more than 10 years in MotoGP , the highest class of motorcycle racing , Baumann was the leading man behind the scenes .
“ Being active in Formula 1 for seven years was another decisive step in our development to become a globally adored brand . We are very close to our annual sales vision of one billion euros . I think such stories have helped a lot . That makes me very proud .”
When asked what he would do with his new free time , Baumann answered , “ I mainly want to take care of my family and myself .
Peter Baumann ( left ) symbolically hands over the marketing department to his successor , Marco Esser . Photo courtesy of Liqui Moly
No appointments , no travel , no meetings . It ’ s time for something else . Time has been in short supply to date . But I ’ m going to take it all in my stride now .”
Bauman ’ s successor , Marco Esser , will step up from deputy marketing director and former head of corporate communications at Liqui Moly . “ Such a long history with just
as many successes doesn ’ t come along too often ,” Esser adds . “ Following Mr . Baumann in this role is a great honor on the one hand and a huge challenge on the other . We have had a long time planning and coordinating , for which I am very grateful . There will always be a place for him with us in the Liqui Moly family , which , of course , he knows .”
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