17 FALL 2020 ISSUE 01 / VOL . 02 SNOWGOER . COM
The proud mining history of the Upper Peninsula is on display in many different ways in the section of the state between highways 141 and 41 . Intermixed with the natural beauty of the rugged terrain that creates frozen waterfalls and tall , jagged cliffs are the incredible remnants of a largely bygone era . Abandoned mines are scattered throughout the area , with evidence varying from a large open pit mine that ’ s available for viewing to old factories and equipment long ago relinquished to the woods .
This all makes the snowmobiling in the area rather fascinating . Many folks who travel here to ride are drawn to the area ’ s largest city – Marquette – or its neighbor with the funny name ,
Ispheming . From there , a good loop ride takes snowmobilers north toward Big Bay on Trail 14 and Trail 310 . The path is wonderfully twisting , with rolling hills and big ravines and a can ’ t-miss waterfall right beside the trail .
The route gets even tighter for awhile when you head south on Trail 5 , where more natural beauty and remnants of mining await . Exposed bedrock , lakes , swamps and the eastern edges of the Huron Mountains make visitors to this area feel like they are in a true no-man ’ s land , until they stumble across the mining evidence that shows that this area once housed and employed many hard-working people in a more gritty era .
A sidetrack east on either Trail 8 or Trail 14 will lead the adventurous rider into Baraga County , home of Michigan ’ s highest point – Mount Arvon , at 1,979 feet .