9 FALL 2020 ISSUE 01 / VOL . 02 SNOWGOER . COM
For a broad section of snowmobile riders from the Upper Midwest , Michigan ’ s Upper Peninsula is the equivalent to a Chicago Cubs collapse , the Kardashian clan seeking attention or a country music song mentioning beer and a pickup truck .
That is to say , it ’ s pretty much a sure thing . Yes , there are years when the snow cover isn ’ t perfect in Michigan ’ s northern tier , but the smart money on an annual basis would be to bet on snow in the U . P ., losing by the Cubs , new Kardashian-based reality shows and C & W lyrics glorifying drunken debauchery .
Aside from snow , however , is this fact : the Upper Peninsula is a treasure trove of natural beauty . Surrounded by three of the Great Lakes , mostly undeveloped and featuring a fascinating array of waterfalls , scenic overlooks and unique geologic features , many snowmobilers call it Michigan ’ s better half for a darn good reason . The U . P . is home to literally thousands of miles of snowmobile trails , and some rather spectacular off-trail riding as well .
We ’ ve split the 320-mile-wide land mass that is the U . P . into six regions , based on the notable north-south highways that chunk it up . Within each region , one specific ride is suggested , and there also is a sidebar on another attraction you may want to visit while in that region during the winter .
Chances are , once you visit the U . P . via snowmobile , you ’ ll want to visit more than one region , and more than one attraction in each region .