Fuel Oil News September 2024 | Page 14


By Duncan McMurchie
In the propane and heating oil industry , staying connected with employees and customers is crucial . For many owners , the last time they spent a full day in a truck might be a distant memory , overshadowed by the demands of strategic planning and management . Spending time on a truck making deliveries provided valuable insights and learning opportunities that bridged the gap between strategy and operations . My experience before riding on a truck was largely limited to analyzing financial statements and having discussions with owners and colleagues . However , firsthand exposure to the delivery operations has provided me with deeper , practical insights that have significantly impacted my understanding of the business .
While some owners still routinely make deliveries , for others it has been several months or even years since their last time on a truck . This detachment from the day-to-day realities of delivery operations can lead to a disconnect between what is envisioned in the meetings and what happens
Duncan McMurchie of Cetane Associates , in the field . Photo courtesy of Cetane Associates .
on the ground . Re-engaging with this aspect of the business can help to understand driver perspectives , ensuring that strategies are grounded in the realities faced by delivery drivers .
Understanding the challenges and successes drivers encounter every day is critical . A ridealong offers a firsthand look at the operational side of the business . This experience provides a deeper understanding of logistical challenges , customer interactions , and the overall efficiency


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14 SEPTEMBER 2024 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www . fueloilnews . com