Fuel Oil News September 2024 | Page 12

Left : Meghan Sylvester , communications and marketing assistant for Maine Energy Marketers Association . Right : The booth of exhibitor Hannay Reels .
for other ports to follow , highlighting the profound impact that innovative energy solutions can have on both environmental and economic fronts .”
In addition to clean and powerful performance , the propane port tractors are also expected to reduce fuel and operating costs . Propane provides vehicle owners with the lowest total cost-of-ownership . It ’ s also a portable and reliable energy source , which can keep operations running even if the electric grid goes down . This added layer of resiliency provides extra assurance that PNCT remains efficient as one of the nation ’ s busiest ports . For more information about how propane is used at ports , visit Propane . com / Ports .
westmor-ind . com
In round three of the EPA ’ s Clean School Bus Program funding , more than $ 6.7 million has been allocated for the purchase of clean propane autogas buses . Fifty-eight districts have been tentatively selected to receive a total of 269 propane autogas buses to replace the nation ’ s aging , dirty diesel buses .
For every propane autogas bus purchased as part of the Clean School Bus program , the EPA will provide transportation directors with up to $ 30,000 . The program prioritizes high-need local educational agencies , rural , and tribal school districts . As a safe , affordable , portable and available energy source , propane is an ideal solution for school transportation . The buses reduce harmful nitrogen-oxide ( NOx ) emissions by 96 % compared to diesel , have a range of
12 SEPTEMBER 2024 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www . fueloilnews . com