Fuel Oil News September 2024 | Page 10

Leslie Anderson , president and CEO of Propane Gas Association of New England , addresses attendees of the
Keynote Luncheon .
Top : Attendees filing into the show on the first day . Bottom : An Autogas SUV was displayed in the DCU lobby for the duration of the show .

The Northeast Propane Show

Photos by Stephen Bennett

The Northeast Propane Show , Aug . 14-15 at the DCU Center in Worcester , Massachusetts , had as its tagline and theme , “ Growing the Future !” The Keynote Luncheon , in which industry experts analyzed future legislative strategies and discussed supply and demand for propane and renewable propane , was led by Tucker Perkins , president and CEO of the Propane Education and Research Council . On this and following pages are pictures from the show . And here is more propane news , as reported by PERC :

Port Newark Container Terminal ( PNCT ) has added 20 propane-powered terminal tractors to its fleet , significantly advancing its commitment to sustainable operations . This strategic move aligns with PNCT ’ s dedication to reducing emissions and enhancing operational efficiency at one of the busiest container ports in the United States .
The new propane-powered tractors are significantly cleaner than diesel-powered models , the most common fuel source currently used in ports . These vehicles , manufactured by MAFI and powered by PSI ’ s ultra-low nitrogen oxide ( NOx ) 8.8-liter propane engines , emit 99 percent less NOx , near zero particulate matter , 51 percent less total hydrocarbons , and 14 percent less lifecycle carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emissions compared to their diesel counterparts PERC said in a July 26 announcement . In real-world testing at the port , the vehicles also demonstrated enough power to easily handle operations without loss of power .
“ We are impressed with the performance and environmental benefits of the propane-powered tractors ,” said Charlie Ferlisi , director of engineering and equipment services at PNCT . “ Propane is efficient , powerful , and clean , making it an environmentally safe choice for our operations . This transition not only helps us reduce emissions but also supports our longshoremen by providing a safer and healthier work environment .”
“ Sustainability is a core priority at the Port Authority , as evidenced by our ambitious commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 while paving the way for our operating partners to achieve the same goal ,” said Mike Bozza , deputy port director at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . “ We applaud the addition of these sustainable yard tractors at Port Newark Container Terminal . Innovative initiatives like these are critical in our mission to reduce emissions and tackle the existential threat of climate change .”
During a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the port to celebrate the new vehicles , the Propane Education & Research Council ( PERC ) awarded PNCT with the Energy for Everyone Hero award . The national non-profit organization , which promotes clean energy initiatives , honored PNCT for prioritizing the environment , the health of its port workers , and the wellbeing of the community and surrounding marine ecosystem by adopting the clean port tractors .
“ The decision to adopt propane-powered terminal tractors exemplifies Port Newark Container Terminal ’ s forward-thinking in energy efficiency and sustainability ,” said Tucker Perkins , president and CEO for PERC . “ Their smart choice not only boosts operational performance but also underscores the vital importance of reducing emissions for a clean future . This initiative is a beacon
10 SEPTEMBER 2024 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www . fueloilnews . com