Fuel Oil News February 2025 | Page 4

Serving The Deliverable Fuels Industry

National Energy Emergency

President Trump on the day of his inauguration to a second term declared a national energy emergency , signing an executive order to void existing regulations and allow increased production of oil and gas .
“ This is a new day for American energy , and we applaud President Trump for moving swiftly to chart a new path where US oil and natural gas are embraced , not restricted ,” said American
Petroleum Institute President and CEO Mike Sommers . The executive order stated , “ We need a reliable , diversified , and affordable supply of energy to drive our Nation ’ s manufacturing , transportation , agriculture , and defense industries , and to sustain the basics of modern life and military preparedness .”
However , “ Wall Street Skepticism Could Halt Trump ’ s Oil Boom Plan ,” the American Petroleum Institute noted days later in its Jan . 27 SmartBrief , citing a Financial Times article noting , “ President Donald Trump ’ s plan to boost US oil production faces significant challenges due to Wall Street ’ s reluctance to support increased drilling . Despite Trump ’ s efforts to deregulate and promote fossil fuels , shale executives warn that investor pressure and economic realities are likely to limit drilling activities .”
Also on the day of his inauguration , Trump signed orders to promote oil and gas production in Alaska and withdraw from the Paris climate agreement .
U . S . COAST GUARD OPERATION RENEW The First U . S . Coast Guard District launched Operation Reliable Energy for Northeast Winters 2025 , emphasizing the critical role of maintaining the flow of heating oil to the Northeast region . This operation is pivotal for the well-being of over 33 million residents , as the Northeast consumes 85 % of the nation ’ s heating oil , with 90 % of this delivered via Coast Guard-maintained waterways . For more on this , turn to the News section , beginning on page 6 .
FUEL OIL NEW IS 90 ! This year , 2025 , Fuel Oil News magazine is celebrating 90 years of continuous publication , which we believe must be a record of longevity matched by few publications . We want to mark this milestone achievement by thanking those who made it possible : fuel marketers current and past , advertisers , suppliers , vendors and readers . This year , we will endeavor to travel back in time by publishing article excerpts and pictures that have appeared in our pages over the decades . We hope to expand the scope of this project to depict the development of the industry as a whole over that time . To that end we ask you — the fuel marketers and suppliers of products , equipment , and services — to share memories and pictures . If you want more information or have questions , please contact Fuel Oil News ’ editor , Stephen Bennett , by phone ( 763-383-4406 ) or by email : stephen . bennett50 @ gmail . com . l FON
Editorial Office EPG Brand Acceleration 7760 France Ave S , Suite 810 Bloomington , MN 55435
Editor Stephen Bennett 763 / 383-4406 sbennett @ epgacceleration . com
Columnists Rashaan Baskerville Marci Gagnon George Lanthier Shane Sweet
List Rentals Kris Grauer 203 / 822-7933 kgrauer @ npsmediagroup . com
Reprints For more information on e-prints or reprints from Fuel Oil News magazine , Please visit https :// epgacceleration . com / marketing-services / and contact us today or email us at info @ epgacceleration . com .
PRODUCTION Associate Managing Art Director – Nicole Siewert
Central , South & East Dave Campbell , Associate Publisher 763 / 383-4457 dcampbell @ epgacceleration . com
EPG Brand Acceleration 7760 France Ave S , Suite 810 Bloomington , MN 55435
763 / 383-4492 • Fax : 763 / 383-4499 customerservice @ epgacceleration . com Fuel Oil News Box 96 , Port Jervis , NY 12771-0096
4 FEBRUARY 2025 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www . fueloilnews . com