Boating Industry October 2024 | Page 30

Family that works and plays together , stays together ! Joe and wife Susan with Joey and Julia . and was asked to serve on their board . Opportunities continued to unfold . In my situation , I found my passion through this process . Take the first step perhaps locally or within your area of industry focus , and don ’ t be afraid to say yes when you ’ re asked to serve .
BI : What are you most proud of in terms of your industry service ? JL : I ’ ve enjoyed working on both the “ Discover Boating ” and “ Take Me Fishing ” marketing campaigns but being part of MRAA ’ s journey over the past 16 years has been my greatest pleasure and most gratifying . Watching the organization grow and know what is yet to come is exciting !
BI : What do you believe are the biggest short- and long-term challenges facing the industry ? JL : Short term , we need to focus on value and how boating enhances people ’ s lives . We know people are happier and healthier near , on , in , under or around the water . We need to improve the boat ownership experience and do everything to ensure that experience is as hassle-free and enjoyable as humanly possible . Boating is not an inexpensive activity and it ’ s unlikely to cost less in the future … it falls to us to make sure the ownership experience is worth it .
Long term , dealers need to be more involved in the pre-owned business as there are roughly three times more pre-owned boats sold annually compared to new . Of that huge market , dealers see less than 25 % of that business ; capturing another 10 % to 15 % is significant business . Not only are we missing this opportunity , we ’ re also unable to influence the buying or ownership experience of these pre-owned boat buyers . On those occasions where preowned buyers seek out a dealership , it ’ s usually to help them sort out an unfortunate situation . That ’ s not good for anyone and leads to people leaving boating over a bad experience .
BI : Some might wonder why you ’ ve invested so much time and energy on industry causes and initiatives . Why is this important to you , and what have you learned from the experience ? JL : Giving back , sharing what you ’ ve learned is something we all owe to this industry so those that follow will be able to benefit from our success as well as learn from unsuccessful experiences . I ’ ve learned giving back usually results in receiving so much more .
In addition , being actively engaged has allowed me to learn a great deal … such as the market research conducted by Grow Boating , RBFF and MRAA including studies like the First Time Boat Buyer and the just released Psychology of Churn . Research aside , I ’ ve learned as much from fellow dealers from all around the country at gatherings like Dealer Week where I ’ m able to compare notes with some of the best in the business and learn from their successes .
BI : Your advice for those interested in engaging in industry initiatives , but don ’ t know where to start ? JL : For me , it was an evolution . I initially attended my regional trade association meetings , and then was introduced to the state affiliation . I learned about important national issues from being involved on the state level . I then became involved with the MRAA
BI : Last great business book / author , webinar or seminar / presenter ? What did you learn ? JL : “ Traction ” by Gino Wickman . It ’ s been a game changer for our business as we continue to study and strengthen the six key components of the Entrepreneurial Operating System .
BI : What do you do for fun ? JL : I enjoy shipwreck diving in the Keys , leisurely afternoons at Disney Springs for dinner and a movie with my wife Susan , building my model railroad ( I ’ m a HO train collector ), and playing Captain Jack Sparrow on Halloween ! Of course , boating with family and friends is always on the agenda .
BI : Last question … as you reflect on the past 35 years in business , what have you enjoyed most ? JL : Absolutely hands down , it ’ s the people I ’ ve met . From the folks I ’ ve been honored to serve with on many boards , to the families we ’ ve introduced to the water , and the moments boating I ’ ve experienced with my own family , it just doesn ’ t get any better than this .
30 october 2024 www . boatingindustry . com