Fostering B2B editorial excellence
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & TOP 100 DIRECTOR Adam Quandt | aquandt @ epgacceleration . com
ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR Lindsay Zigan | lzigan @ epgacceleration . com
NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Leslie Palmer | lpalmer @ epgacceleration . com | 763.383.4460
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Celebrating the best of the best
In the early 2000s , Boating Industry launched the Top 100 Dealers program with an effort to independently rank and recognize the best marine retailers across North America . With the industry ’ s help and support , the Top 100 program has grown to unimaginable heights and celebrated boat dealers across the continent over 17 years .
In its 18th year and now in its 19th , the program has evolved to recognize not just boat dealers , but organizations and individuals for the achievements across the entire recreational boating industry . Made up of the 40 Under 40 , Women Making Waves and of course , the Top Dealers , the Top 100 Awards are truly made up of the industry ’ s elite and highlights their hard work and accomplishments .
These editorial-based awards programs are designed to recognize and celebrate the best-of-the-best among the recreational boating industry and to share best practices and benchmarking data with the entire universe of marine industry professionals .
As you thumb ( or click for our digital readers ) through the pages of this issue of Boating Industry you ’ ll see this year ’ s Top Dealers , profiles on retailers excelling in a particular area of business with this year ’ s Best in Class Awards , spotlights on the 2023 40 Under 40 and Women Making Waves , and of course , more about this year ’ s repeat Dealer of the Year , Regal & Nautique of Orlando .
The various Top 100 Award winners from all of the programs are those that are carrying our industry into the future across all segments and the entire team at Boating Industry is extremely honored to celebrate all of you .
It is our hope that all of the programs within the Top 100 Awards continuously provide inspiration across every single segment of the recreational marine industry to strive for nothing but the best . We hope that these awards continuously provide a learning opportunity for each and every organization and individual involved to bring best practices into your business and life .
Through a team effort across the board , we will be able to continuously push our amazing industry to new heights and provide exceptional on-the-water experiences to a whole new generation of boaters .
From all of us at Boating Industry , congratulations to all of this year ’ s award winners . Here ’ s to one heck of a 2024 !
CEO : Marion Minor SR . VICE PRESIDENT / MARKET DEVELOPMENT : Joanne Juda-Prainito OPERATIONS DIRECTOR : Bernadette Wohlman
BOATING INDUSTRY ( ISSN # 1543-4400 ) is published 8 times per year : February , March , May , June , August , October , November , and December – by EPG Brand Acceleration , 7760 France Avenue South , Suite 810 , Bloomington , MN 55435 . Periodicals postage paid at St . Paul , MN and additional mailing offices .
POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Boating Industry , P . O . Box 96 , Port Jervis , NY 12771-0096 .
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION : Free digital to qualified members of the boating industry . Annual subscription rate is $ 112 per year for U . S . All paid subscriptions must be paid in advance and in U . S . funds only .
CUSTOMER SERVICE : Visit www . BoatingIndustry . com , call 763-383-4492 , email customerservice @ epgacceleration . com or write to Boating Industry , P . O . Box 96 , Port Jervis , NY 12771-0096 .
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American Society of Business Publication Editors
2017 Regional
Award Winner
Revenue of $ 3 million or under
4 january 2024 www . boatingindustry . com