Cecilia . ai entertains audiences at WSWA , showing what the future of AI bartending could be .
featured in the panel “ The Future of Beverage Is Now !” alongside experts from the Bacardi Center of Excellence . While Cecilia . ai is a more imaginative vision of what the industry could look like , other keynotes such as “ Cyber Security : Teaming against digital threats ,” presented by Lucas Morris , senior manager at Security Risk Advisors , or “ Digital Transformation at the Distributor Tier ,” presented by Mike Boswell , VP of eCommerce at Breakthru , discussed a future that has already arrived .
Both issues are of topical importance for the industry , accelerated by the wave of digitization following Covid-19 . Morris emphasized data security for companies across the industry , while Boswell spoke on how to modernize and anticipate customer needs from the perspective of the second tier .
For wholesalers , the key to ecommerce success lies in data , programming and content . “ Distributors have to improve content quality , unlock the growth potential of supplier investment and connect data ecosystems across all platforms ,” Boswell commented . “ We need to change our pitch to be retailer focused .”
By Tuesday evening , the events were winding down , but Access Live was sure to leave on a high note – quite literally , as the closing Ovation Live reception featured Grammy-award winning artist Nelly , who was there promoting his new moonshine brand , MoShine . A fitting celebration to welcome the WSWA convention back after a three-year hiatus . Be sure to catch all the action at the next Access Live , January 29 through February 1 , 2024 , hosted at The Forum by Caesars Palace in Las Vegas , NV . Stop by and say hello to our editorial team while you ’ re there ! BW
8 Beverage Wholesaler • Summer 2023