Founder & CEO RadCraft
Age : 36 First Industry Job : Freelance journalist covering fermentation topics for a variety of publications Favorite Drink : Beers such as German-style Helles and Pilsner , and Dry Irish-style Stout
After years of freelance writing for the beverage and travel industries , Emily Hutto decided to start her own business . She founded RadCraft in 2012 to serve the communications needs of maltsters , hop farmers , brewers and distillers .
RadCraft specializes in B2B marketing of the ingredients that eventually become craft beer and spirits . Not only is Hutto supporting a grassroots effort in the beverage industry by giving a voice to the craft malt movement , but she ’ s also paving the way in a male-dominated industry .
On top of RadCraft , Hutto has also collaborated with a number of nonprofit organizations , including the Craft
Maltsters Guild , The MJF Foundation , Water For People and A Greener World .
Hutto says that her years of experience covering the beverage alcohol industry has helped prepare her to run her own business .
“ Throughout my career as a publicist for craft beverage companies , I ’ ve had to manage unexpected crisis communications around natural disasters a few different times ,” she notes . “ This is gut wrenching , heartbreaking work that requires empathy , transparency and resilience I never knew I had . I feel beyond grateful for the trust that our RadCraft partners have put in us to support them during these times .”
Aside from her company , Hutto has also proven herself as a leader in the craft beer industry by conceiving , nurturing and promoting RadCraft Industry Relief , a Zoom chatturned-podcast conceived in 2020 when businesses were shut down .
Hutto ’ s key to success ? Instituting a few key aspects into her daily life .
“ I come home to a lot of mantras , one of them being start where you are , use what you have , do what you can . Setting personal goals is a balance between my big dreams , and the realities of my environment and my community ,” Hutto says .
Assistant Manager Conti ' s Wines & Spirits
Age : 22 First Industry Job : Family business Favorite Drink : Old Forester Barrel Strength Rye
Nick Conti Jr . has demonstrated the ability to manage Top 100-quality beverage alcohol retailer stores at a young age . The son of one of the better liquor store owners in New England , Nick Jr . has learned fast and taken an immense interest in the family business . He truly represents the future of beverage alcohol retail in Connecticut .
“ I started helping when I was nine years old ,” Conti recalls . “ I still remember how excited I was to go to the store because I got to ride my scooter down the aisles when I finished fronting the shelves .”
Now in management in his 20s , every day he faces new challenging tasks to solve and complete . “ One of my favorite sayings is ‘ There is only one way to eat an elephant : one bite at a time ’,” Conti explains .
“ This means any difficult task can be accomplished by breaking it down into smaller , more manageable pieces . The biggest challenge is keeping your head up and knowing you can truly solve or accomplish anything you want to , just break it down so it doesn ' t look ‘ big ’.”
In his early 20s , an age when many people would be simple employees at liquor stores , Conti has shown impressive initiative in becoming a leader in the family business .
For instance , he took it upon himself to learn about the beer industry — an area in which his father is not an expert — to help fill out the huge beer cooler section in the family ' s new flagship store .
As for personal goals , “ It is easy to succeed when you love what you do ,” Conti says .
“ I ' m constantly trying different things and meeting people from different places whether it ' s traveling to Kentucky or Mexico to pick barrels for the stores , or simply speaking to people who like different things ,” Conti adds . “ If you truly love what you do and stay consistent by doing things the right way , success will follow , it is inevitable .”